
21 April 2009


Beaware of extra-Marital affair, which are comman as they have been for a long time.
Yes, extra marital affairs are here and have stayed so, for a longtime. The difference then and now is, it was conducted clandestinely then, but now very open and boldly, at times as mark of diffience.
Is this in human nature?. No, but they are driven to take such a position. Who is to be blamed?. Naturally the other spouse, or in certain cases both, due their incompatiblity. Today technology and social gathering helps a lot in indulging in such a activity, but is it worth the amount of energy and time a person spends to indulge and carry on the affair?.

A few generalised reasons for falling into an extra marital affair are:
1). Sex seeking is the most common reason, unsatisfying sex at home.
2).Controlling games conducted by either of the spouses
3).Mindless felling 'of being' in a group, which is not averse to such activity.
4).Platonic relationship at onetime turning into non-platonic(very few manage to be platonic)
5).Constant contacts in workplace, social gatherings and due to the attention and understanding one shows on you (either intentionally or not)
The affair can be tackled, if both can sit together and see the reasons for it to happen, and decide to forget about it with a combined concerted effort to do so.

Raghu Natrajan

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